Science & Technology

AI: can it wank me off?

THE world is alive with questions about AI. Will it replace creativity? Eliminate white-collar jobs? Cause war? But nobody has asked the key question: will it wank me off?

Five scam emails so intriguing you're compelled to open them

YOU know it’s a scam, and that opening it might unleash a destructive virus on your computer. And yet you just can’t help but click on these.

Woman on dating app gets more attention in single morning than men get in whole life

A WOMAN who has been on a dating app for a single morning has received more interest than any man would in his entire pathetic life.

Man doesn't get that smiley face emoji means 'stop typing'

A MAN has blundered ahead and tried to keep a conversation going despite being sent a smiley face emoji.

Man's augmented reality device is eight pints

A MAN has recreated Apple’s new augmented reality headset on the cheap by drinking eight pints, it has emerged.

Five WhatsApp messages on your phone you wouldn't want to be made public

BORIS Johnson has failed to hand over crucial WhatsApp messages, but can you blame him? You wouldn’t want these messages on your phone to see the light of day.

Six TikTok genres that should f**k off and die

TIKTOK prankster Mizzy has been in court for confusing ‘hilarious stunts’ with ‘threatening people’. But he’s not the only TikToker who deserves prosecution. You may be aware of these genres.

You love looking at boobs and buying lightbulbs: Everything the internet algorithm knows about you

PARANOID about what internet algorithms know about you? You should be. Based on your bizarre online activities, they have deduced the following.

How to fix your TV's settings when it appears to be showing Nigel Farage

IS your TV displaying a blustering, pint-swigging prick who has no reason to be on air anymore? Fix it with these tips.

Dad only capable of expressing emotion when cars involved

A FAMILY has realised that their patriarch is only truly able to display his feelings in situations that involve cars.