Science & Technology

Easier to click delete forever than click unsubscribe once, man believes

A MAN will delete a marketing email every day for the rest of his life rather than simply unsubscribing from the mailing list, he has confirmed.

Virgin Media temporarily working again for thousands

BROADBAND provider Virgin Media has briefly come back to life for thousands of customers who do not believe for a moment it will last.

Five signs the internet is becoming middle-aged

THE internet is no longer the trendy new kid on the block it used to be. Here are five signs it is fast approaching middle-age, just like you.

The busty bikini model's guide to getting shitloads of engagement on social media

WANT to connect with more followers online? Follow the advice of a DD-cup bikini model who somehow racks up millions of likes on an hourly basis.

Six basic things that now require a f**king app

TECHNOLOGY changed the world then got carried away. Now these previously simple actions require a fiddly bloody app to use.

'We had one shared computer… in the LOUNGE': horror stories for today's teenagers

SCARE today’s always-online teens witless with these spooky stories about the days before smartphones, Netflix, and Deliveroo.

I can always return it, says woman who never, ever has

A WOMAN has justified her latest costly purchases on the grounds they can be returned for a full refund, which she has never, ever done.

Woman reduces screen time to 94.6 per cent of waking hours

A WOMAN has drastically reduced her daily screen time by several waking minutes, it has emerged.

Panic as friend given phone to see photo starts swiping

A WOMAN who handed her phone to a friend to show her a photo has been gripped with sudden terror as the friend casually began to swipe.

'Why is the sky blue?' and other questions your kids can just f**king Google

SINCE the dawn of mankind kids have tormented their parents with stupid questions. But now you can just point them in the direction of the nearest search engine when asked this sort of shit.