Science & Technology

LED facemarks, and other dystopian skincare trends capitalism is selling you

NAIVELY believe mere cleansing, toning and moisturising will stop you wrinkling like a hag? Capitalism doesn’t. It needs you to buy into these trends.

Six texts you can cheerfully write off as bank fraud

GOT any of these texts? No need to reply, just assume it’s fraudsters trying to drain your account, which it kind of is.

Artemis rocket to check if moon still there

NASA’S Artemis rocket has successfully lifted off on its mission to find out whether the moon is where the last expedition left it.

Smoke alarm still unable to tell the difference between blazing inferno and toast

SCIENTISTS are no closer to developing a smoke alarm capable of discerning between toasting bread and a raging fire, they have admitted.

Do you judge mums on their phones when they could be playing with their kids, or should you f**k off?

DO you begrudge mothers a quick glance at Instagram while their small children are happily occupied or are you not a judgemental twat?

A History of the Twitter Flame Wars, 2006-2022

A PROLONGED and gruelling era of interpersonal conflict is to end as Elon Musk buys and dooms Twitter. This is its history.

The complete f**king mess your parents have made of their new smart TV: a troubleshooting guide

YOUR parents have taken the plunge and bought a new smart TV. Within days it’s f**ked, and they want you to sort it out. Here’s how:

Google the number instead of answering it: How to handle phone calls in the modern age

IN the old days, a phone call was a pleasant diversion, but now you’re actively afraid of answering. Here’s how to handle it.

NASA probe smashes into first emerging sign of alien life

NASA’S Dart probe has crashed into and killed the first emerging specimen of alien life, it has been confirmed.

Dad replies to text message from 2016

A DAD has finally responded to a message sent several years ago, it has emerged.