
Five-year-old riding 6am sugar high

AFTER ploughing a mere fraction of the sweets she unwrapped this morning, a seven-year-old is experiencing a monumental sugar rush long before the sun comes up.

Your guide to being an annoyingly inconsistent vegetarian

MEAT-eaters usually grudgingly respect veggies’ healthy, ethical lifestyle choice. But not the ones with extremely arbitrary ‘rules’ they think it’s fine to break. Such as these.

Middle-aged daredevil eats three different ultra-processed foods at lunch

A MIDDLE-AGED man has amazed onlookers by eating three different ultra-processed foods in one sitting.

Brie and bubbly-flavoured crisps, and other vile Christmas foods the world doesn't need

IT'S still only November but the shops are awash with disgusting Christmas-themed food. Here are some festive offerings which will delight nobody.

F**king vegans have ruined our dinner, say vegetarians

THE popularity of veganism means that meat-free meals in restaurants are also cheese, milk and egg-free as well, vegetarians have complained.

Six ways street food is far worse than regular food

EATING from little huts is cool and trendy, but at what financial and emotional cost? These once-exhilarating outlets are now worse than an Asda ready meal.

Randomly start a fight while ordering: the proper etiquette for buying a kebab at 3am while blind drunk

STAGGERING to the kebab shop after a night's heavy drinking, pausing only to urinate in an alleyway? Remember to mind your manners and follow these protocols.

Caramac dies, and with it the guttering flame of Western civilisation

THE Caramac has gone. And now all there is left to do is wait for the rest of Western civilisation to inevitably follow.

Filet-O-Fish, KFC fries: the worst item from every fast food chain

EATING your usual guilty cheeseburger, you notice the items on the menu of your favourite fast-food franchise that nobody living has ever ordered. For why would they?

Smash burgers and other food trends you'd happily never hear about again

BRITISH food has always had a bad reputation, but at least it wasn't this social media-fuelled bollocks you could easily live without.