
Crispy Pancakes, Pop-Tarts, and other processed food that never did you any harm, probably

THERE’S a lot of concern over processed food nowadays but you grew up eating Angel Delight and you’re fine. So far. Here are some other old favourites to worry about.

Burgers in brioche buns: Current wanky culinary trends that are f**king awful

NOBODY actually wants to eat a burger in what is essentially cake, so why do restaurants think it’s a good idea? They should stop serving this other bollocks too.

Scraping mould off bread: Your mum's waste-avoiding hacks that left you traumatised

THERE’S being thrifty, but your mum went to disgusting lengths to prevent waste. Here are some of her frugal ways that still give you the shudders.

Five ways your online food delivery is f**king you over

ONLINE food delivery is meant to be convenient but ultimately ends up f**king you about. Here’s how it tempts you back to traipsing the aisles instead.

UK's last Bovril drinker unable to explain why

THE sole remaining consumer of Bovril in the UK has struggled to justify why he voluntarily drinks brown, salty water.

ALDI now more middle-class than Waitrose

BUDGET German supermarket Aldi has become of a middle-class staple than Waitrose, it has emerged.

Woman not sure whether she should spit or swallow olives

A WOMAN cannot decide whether to gag down an olive or spit the disgusting fruit into a napkin, it has emerged.

UK enters 'grudgingly accepting an outside table at a restaurant' season

BRITAIN has entered the four-month period where they will be offered an outdoor table by a waiter and unwillingly accept it.

Tofu delicious after incredibly complex process to make it not taste shit, explain vegetarians

VEGETARIANS have attempted to explain the complicated, multi-hour process required to make tofu not taste utterly horrific.

Five terrible meals that make men think they should be on Masterchef

TODAY'S men see cooking not as a dull chore for women, but an opportunity to prove their masculine brilliance. They would do these traditional bloke dishes on Masterchef.