
The traumatic atrocity of your nan's trifle: your vegan cousin's layer-by-layer guide

HAS your cousin become a vegan since last Christmas? Here's how they will cancel your beloved nan's traditional Boxing Day trifle layer-by-layer.

Pigs in blankets reign supreme: Christmas Dinner foods, ranked

CHRISTMAS Dinner contains a multitude of delicious components, but now we're all through it which is the best?

Turkey best eaten straight out of the fridge with hands at 11pm, confirm experts

FOOD scientists have confirmed that the best way to eat turkey is in quick little handfuls while standing in a kitchen illuminated only by the fridge.

Only shit chocolates left

IT IS 1pm on Christmas Day and there are only shit chocolates left, the nation has confirmed.

Six Christmas foods you've bought way too much of that'll be going in the bin

BOUGHT shitloads of food in to make sure you're covered for two f**king days? Chances are you'll be emptying half this perishable shit in the bin by Wednesday.

Nigella vs Deliciously Ella: Which pathetic posh bird fantasy floats your boat?

ARE you unsure whether you’d shag posh celebrity chef Nigella Lawson or posh celebrity chef Ella Woodward? Let’s try to resolve this improbable sexual dilemma.

Now add gold leaf, says Jamie

JAMIE Oliver has used his new Christmas special to advise giving Brussels sprouts and tired old turkey a bit of pizzazz with a touch of gold leaf.

Five reasons there's never anything you fancy in the fridge for dinner

IT'S dinnertime again and there’s not a single f**king thing in the fridge you want to eat. Here’s why.

Woman found without dietary requirements

A WOMAN has been found who has no specific dietary requirements, scientists have confirmed.

Gammon thinks food allergies are a choice

AN angry middle-aged man is under the impression food allergies are a voluntary choice made by snowflakes, it has emerged.