
Doughnuts latest foodstuff to get all up themselves

RINGS of fried dough have begun behaving as if they are expensive gourmet desserts because they have icing and crushed biscuits on top.

Lilt 1975-2023, the soft drink none will mourn

THE totally tropical soft drink beloved by barely anybody passed away peacefully yesterday evening, it has been confirmed.

Weighing the birthday cake: an entirely proportionate guide to making sure life is fair, by a seven-year-old

COULD your sibling be getting more of something than you? Is that the end of the world? Here’s how to ensure life is precisely fair.

We'd be f**ked without chips, admit vegetarians

VEGETARIANS have admitted their dietary choice would crumble in seconds were it not for the existence of chips.

Smoky bacon crisps, and other snacks that taste f**k all like they claim to

GOT a craving for roast beef, crispy bacon or a Thai curry? Prepare to be let down by these snacks whose descriptions are flagrantly taking the piss.

Man successfully acquires all five herbs and spices

A MALE amateur chef is delighted with himself after obtaining all the five herbs and spices that exist.

Yorkshireman fined for cutting sandwich diagonally

A MAN from Batley has been given a substantial fine for cutting his bacon butty in a manner unbecoming of a Yorkshireman.

Five aphrodisiac foods that are a big red flag to your date

ARE you hoping to boost your sex drive and your chances of getting laid by ostentatiously eating aphrodisiac foods on a date? Here’s how it might backfire.

Tony the Tiger on top: cereal mascots ranked in order of f**kability

EVERY self-respecting cereal has a cartoon mascot and you’re horny in the morning. Here’s the order in which you’d do them.

Seven ways takeaway deliveries will punish you for being a lazy bastard

FANCY having some fast food delivered because you can’t be arsed to bake a potato? Here’s how you will suffer karmic retribution for being a lazy shit.