
Och, ye cannae bury one wee body

WHIT’S the world coming to? When a former First Minister and a former SNP chief cannae bury one wee body in their own garden?

16 minor annoyances that mean you must vote Tory

PARKING apps! Those silver canisters you see in gutters. Noisy hen parties! Here are the 16 minor annoyances which must add up to a Conservative landslide.

Yep, it’s racism all the way until 2025. By Rishi Sunak

BRITAIN’S most unpleasant voters love a bit of racism. As such it’s an electoral strategy I can really get behind, and so should you, because it’s all we’ve got.

Nothing anything to do with Brexit

THE UK has confirmed that not a single thing in the entire world has any connection to Brexit.

'April Fool!' shout desperate Tories

‘APRIL Fool!’ the Tories have announced, ‘The last 13 years were just a big prank! We’re starting governing seriously from now on!’

So your former leader is on trial? A guide to what to expect from the UK

THE unthinkable has happened. Your former leader is on trial for breaking the law. This is what will happen next, according to a country that has been there and done that.

Prison ships, and seven other bizarre Tory obsessions

HOUSING migrants in ferries suggests the dead ends of the Conservative mind are being ransacked to boost their support. Which always ends in these bizarre obsessions.

Triumph for Scotland as Leviticus fan comes in very close second

SCOTS are celebrating a triumph for liberal values as a big fan of Leviticus chapter 18 only came in second the leadership race.

Nitrous oxide the worst drug because it causes litter, pensioners agree

BRITAIN’S pensioners have agreed that nitrous oxide is worse than any other drug because it creates litter.

'Well, that was a waste of f**king time': Nicola Sturgeon and a bottle of single malt reflect

NINE years in power. And what have I got to show for it? Absolutely f**king f**k all.