
Big beasts replaced by big twat

THE big beasts of the Conservative party have been driven out and replaced with a big twat with four whole seats, it has emerged.

'But I don't really work as a concept outside the Commons,' says Rees-Mogg

JACOB Rees-Mogg has confessed that, without a seat in Parliament, he is just some kind of Edwardian cosplay dickhead.

'Toolmaking time's over, bitches'

THE new prime minister has announced the end of toolmaking time and the beginning of a new era of liberal elitism.

Britain hoping it doesn't vote Tory by mistake

THE UK is keeping its fingers crossed that it does not go blank in the voting booth and deliver a massive Conservative landslide out of habit.

Man voting for whoever 5G tells him to

A MAN is putting a cross next to the candidate he is commanded to by the 5G nanobots in his brainstem and bloodstream.

Dog at polling station wants to vote Reform

AN ADORABLE pup waiting for his owners to cast their democratic votes would be making his X for the far-right if he could.

We ask you: are you planning to vote Conservative out of pity?

THE Conservatives are begging the electorate to restrict Labour’s majority so they can leave government without crying. Will you give them your pity vote?

Voters reminded of twat they hated

THE electorate has been forcibly reminded, by the Conservatives, of the Conservative prime minister who made them vow never to vote Conservative again.