
How to sabotage your own orgasm

FOR women, having an orgasm is like trying to get a fly out of a window: for all the smacking and shouting you may still be defeated even if the window’s wide fucking open.

Let's move to a city high on cider and drugs and money! This week: Bristol

A sleepy little city nestled in Tory south-west England, Bristol is famed for its vibrant social life and creative atmosphere. Which roughly translates as ‘people constantly off their faces on a wide variety of drugs’.

Your astrological week ahead, with Psychic Bob

Weird how in so many movies a big crystal is the key to unlocking the legendary lost city of Laputa or whatever, while in real life they’re cheap sparkly tat.

Be too dumb to get in: do university on the cheap with the penny-pinching expert

THIS time of year sees university towns infested with students, all being ripped off for nasty accommodation and piss-poor education. But not me. I’m thick.

Why I shot Tupac Shakur, by Sir David Attenborough

NATURALIST and filmmaker Sir David Attenborough, aged 96, is known for shows including Life on Earth and Frozen Planet II, but not his murder of Tupac Shakur in 1996.

The Stone Roses's debut album: is it actually bollocks?

AN entire generation grew up venerating The Stone Roses’ eponymous 1989 album, but is it an all-time classic or psychedelic shite? 

Let's move to the county town and crime hotspot of Kent! This week: Maidstone

When David Brent was musing on nearby towns in The Office, he said ‘There’s nothing wrong with Maidenhead. Not Maidstone – that is a shithole.’

Six sexual positions that will leave you with lasting soft tissue injuries

BRINGING a sense of adventure to the bedroom: there’s nothing worse. This is sex, not a fucking log flume.

Your astrological week ahead, with Psychic Bob

New on Netflix: My Octopus Supply Teacher. Like My Octopus Teacher but this time the guy just fucks around and hands out wordsearches until the bell rings.

Five signs I could be a vampire, with Harry Styles

HEARTTHROB, popstar and now actor Harry Styles has, like many of us, always suspected he may be a vampire. These are his reasons.