
Assad selects hole in which to be captured

SYRIA’s President Assad has chosen the hole in the ground that he will be discovered hiding in this autumn, it has emerged.

Supreme Court to overturn Roe v cancer

US Supreme Court justices are set to overturn the landmark ruling in Roe versus cancer.

Michelle Obama sick of Samantha Cameron's hip hop references

US First Lady Michelle Obama is avoiding Samantha Cameron because she is tired of discussing rap music.

Iran's nuclear facilities inspected by Alex James

BLUR'S Alex James has delivered a glowing report of Iran's Parchin military complex after becoming the only inspector allowed onto the site.

Obama asks Romney to explain the origins of Mormonism again

AS Mitt Romney took another decisive step towards the Republican nomination, President Obama asked if he could tell him again how Mormonism got started.

Assad 'chuffed' he wasn't friends with Blair

SYRIA'S President Assad is now realising the full value of not being friends with Tony Blair.

Greece 'stuck between a rock and actually paying tax'

GREECE could be forced to set up some kind of tax system, the country's prime minster has admitted.

UN deadlocked over Arab-killing rights

THE United Nations Security Council remains deadlocked over which countries are allowed to exterminate Arab civilians.

William to appease Argentina with Nazi uniform

PRINCE William is to ease the growing tension with Argentina by borrowing his brother's SS uniform.

Saudi women banned from self-service check-outs

SAUDI women have been banned from using supermarket self check-outs amid fears the female voiced systems could lead to homosexuality and the extinction of virgins.