AN incredibly brave man will never be too upset to spare ten minutes for a quick hand shandy, it has emerged.
WOMEN have demanded to know when their skin will be sufficiently moisturised so that they can finally relax.
SOME illnesses have a funny reputation despite being truly nightmarish. Getting any of these will wipe the smile from your face.
A MAN asked to donate a kidney to his seriously ill sibling feels it is extremely cheeky due to his brother’s poor record of sharing during childhood.
GETTING the recommended eight hours of restful slumber nightly is against the laws of physics, scientists have confirmed.
DON’T have time for exercise? Obsessive gym rats can help you with that, by making these unworkable suggestions and dismissing your objections as weakness.
THE NHS today celebrates its 75th birthday at a private party held by the Conservatives and their lobbyists from the global healthcare industry.
ASPARTAME in lovely healthy sugar-free Diet Coke is a carcinogen, it turns out, and these other healthy options you’ve dutifully stuck to will also prove fatal.
THE prime minister has unveiled a nine-point plan to restore the NHS to its pre-2010 glory, with nine glaringly obvious flaws.
BRITISH children under five are shorter than their European counterparts, according to a survey. And this possible effect of malnutrition is excellent news for Britain, writes Tory MP Norman Steele.