
Orchestra conductor and other jobs that look piss-easy but are, in actual fact, even easier

WAVING a baton about looks easy, doesn’t it? And you’re right, it is. Here are some jobs that are, quite frankly, taking the piss.

Man on the dole way ahead of AI

AN unemployed man is way ahead of warnings that AI will end traditional paid work, he feels.

'Let's hop on a video call to discuss,' says worst colleague in world

A WOMAN who wreaks terror on her workmates by turning simple issues into tedious and lengthy video calls is the worst colleague it is possible to have.

92 per cent of men quietly confident they would be good blacksmiths

ALMOST all men are quietly confident that they would make very good blacksmiths, it has emerged.

Colleagues form deepest bonds over how much they want to leave job

WORK colleagues form the most intense bonds over a shared desire to leave their current employment, it has emerged.

Pro gamer, and other careers idiot teenagers think are viable

PRO gamer is one of several activities deluded teenagers - especially males - think is a bona fide career. Here are some more of their wildly optimistic dream jobs.

Colleague making self-deprecating jokes about shit life leaving everyone uncomfortable

A WORK colleague has silenced the office with self-deprecating jokes about his lonely, miserable life that are far too close to the truth.

Days of the week, ranked by how much you want to tell your boss to f**k off on them

THERE is never a day when your boss could not usefully f**k off, but the urge to inform them varies. See below, from weakest to strongest.

Office manager had a bad weekend, you're about to discover

YOU arrive at work on Monday morning with no idea of the storm that is about to engulf you. This is how you find out your boss has a lot of anger to displace.

Woman breaking under entirely self-imposed work stress

A WOMAN is ready to crack under the weight of work-related stress entirely of her own making, it has emerged.