
We ask you: how will football's new blue cards unfairly punish your club?

FOOTBALL is considering the introduction of blue cards but has yet to decide how they should work; the FA just really likes the colour. How would you use them?

We ask you: what now for Liverpool after Jurgen Klopp?

CHARISMATIC Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp is leaving the club at the end of the season. What now for the club and the city?

'Just imagine how good he'll be once he's on the lager' say awed darts fans

AMAZED darts fans believe that once 16-year-old darts semi-finalist Luke Littler can drink ten pints his game will take a quantum leap forward.

Blissful Boxing Day spent hungover watching non-league football

A FAMILY has spent Boxing Day in the best way possible – watching non-league football through thumping hangovers.

How to fit in on a Boxing Day hunt

WHILE you slump on the sofa expelling the richest flatulence of the year, the aristocracy is out for a lovely traditional hunt. This is what you’d need to join in the murdery fun.

Where's our replica Mary Earps Sports Personality of the Year trophy, Nike asked

THE public has furiously asked Nike why they cannot purchase a replica Mary Earps Sports Personality of the Year trophy, it has emerged.

Woman referee not going to say what players did wrong

THE woman who will referee a Premier League match next week confirmed she will not tell players what they have done wrong because they should already know.

Winner-stays-on pool champion dies at his post after 30 years of back-to-back victories

STILL longing for a worthy opponent, the undisputed champion of winner-stays-on pool has died at the table after 30 years of victories.