
Londoners 'Stink Of Eels' Says Boris Johnson

BORIS Johnson has kick-started his mayoral campaign by describing Londoners as 'ghastly, eel-breathed troglodytes'.

Britain And America To See Other Countries

BRITAIN and America have announced a trial separation during which they will be free to see other countries. 

Brown Backs 24-Hour Super-Musuems

PRIME minister Gordon Brown has thrown his weight behind a series of huge 24-hour super-musuems to regenerate Britain's deprived urban areas.

'Blair Stood On His Desk Shouting War! War! War!'

TONY Blair's decision to go to war in Iraq, "couldn't have been easier", according to his former spin doctor Alastair Campbell. 

Foreign Office Has No Idea Who Foreign Secretary Is

AFTER months of speculation, civil servants at the Foreign Office have admitted that they do not know who the Foreign Secretary is.