NHS managers who help the Tories kill cancer patients will get £50 a corpse and a full set of gourmet saucepans.
GORDON Brown will once again focus Labour's election campaign on national insurance after being deafened by the collapse of his own argument.
GORDON Brown's claim to be an ordinary, middle class Briton backfired last night as millions of ordinary middle class Britons stressed just how much they hate themselves.
GORDON Brown kicked-off the general election campaign today by seriously expecting Britain to take another five years of Ed Balls and his ghastly, unbearable face.
GORDON Brown last night said he was amazed to discover that Britain had quite a lot of immigrants.
IF the answer to Britain's economic problems is Vince Cable then what are the schools like in the Dordogne, it was claimed last night.
THE Conservatives have pledged to reverse Labour's national insurance hike by selling no more than 1.5m of Britain's least important children.
THE tiny foetus growing inside the wife of Tory leader David Cameron will slash front line services and wreck Britain's fragile economic recovery, the prime minister claimed last night.
FOUR Labour MPs have claimed expenses for getting caught offering to peddle their influence to the highest bidder like common whores.
BRITAIN'S biggest trade union today ordered Gordon Brown to describe it as 'deplorable'.