
Man who's slept with loads of women just has no standards and lies a lot

A MAN who has bedded a vast number of women does it by sleeping with anyone and lying frequently.

'Plenty more fish in the sea' no longer applicable to marine life or dating, experts confirm

THE phrase ‘there’s plenty more fish in the sea’ is now untrue whether used to refer to the availabiity of romantic partners or the actual sea, it has emerged.

Couple quietly agree never to mention anniversary again

A COUPLE have quietly decided that neither of them will mention their anniversary ever again.

Couple arguing in public are bloody excellent

A COUPLE who had a blazing row in public both entertained bystanders and gave them a valuable psychological boost.

Marriage in crisis to be completely fixed by salsa class

A MARRIED couple in crisis are confident that there is nothing wrong that cannot be fixed by salsa dancing lessons.  

Have you found your soulmate or are they just less annoying than everyone else?

IS the person you’re going out with the missing part of your soul or do they just get on your nerves less than your exes did? Take our test and find out.

Nobody on Tinder into getting shitfaced and eating crisps in front of telly

EVERYONE on Tinder is into hiking and surfing and nobody is into getting smashed and chomping Pringles while watching crap, users skeptically report.

Couple planning romantic weekend away considering inviting other people

A COUPLE planning a romantic weekend away are each thinking about bringing a friend for company, they have confirmed.

Man obsessed with threesomes having to make do with onesomes

A MAN who constantly talks about threesomes is only having a series of onesomes, it has emerged.

Woman would, if she's honest with herself, shag that builder

A WOMAN idling at traffic lights by a building site has privately admitted that, while she is not proud of it, she would shag that one in the hi-viz.