Arts & Entertainment

Leaked Hollywood emails reveal kindness, humility and concern for fellow man

HACKED Sony Pictures emails have revealed that film industry executive are highly worthwhile humans.

Friends enthralled by gig filmed on phone

SMARTPHONE footage of a Jamie T gig has been acclaimed as superior to actually being there.

Jennifer Aniston films take place in shared universe

ALL of Jennifer Aniston's romantic comedies take place in a single coherent universe, it has been revealed.

Benefits claimants must reach semi finals of Masterchef

THE government has introduced compulsory Masterchef participation for benefits claimants.

Podcast evangelists worse than Christians

PODCAST listeners are unable to perform basic interactions without recommending podcasts, researchers have found.

Daniel Craig to sing Bond theme himself

BOND star Daniel Craig has only agreed to star in the upcoming Spectre if he is allowed to perform the theme tune.

Hip hop 'just middle-class wordplay'

RAP music has been exposed as nothing but clever puns, allusions and references like a Radio Four panel game.

'Best of 2014' lists designed to make you feel thick

LISTS of the best cultural things of the year are deliberately composed to make you feel stupid, their creators have admitted.

Killer A.I. better than annoying android kid with emotions

DEADLY intelligent machines are preferable to ‘cute’ kid androids that bang on about not being real children, according to experts.

Star Wars VII will be mostly black screen and Andy Serkis voiceover

STAR Wars: The Force Awakens will be 33 per cent black screen with Andy Serkis intoning portentous statements.