
Mail on Sunday souvenir supplement to exhaust resources of entire Earth

THE Mail on Sunday’s souvenir supplement commemorating Elizabeth II is to be so lavish it will fell every tree on the planet, the newspaper has confirmed.

You are a Daily Mail journalist: Can you turn three controversial tweets into a news story?

READERS love being riled up by the Daily Mail. And nothing gets them going like stories based on tweets from random nutters. If you want to be a Mail reporter, here’s how to master this vital skill.

Mail to just continue backing Boris

THE Daily Mail and Daily Express are to continue proclaiming the greatness of Boris Johnson at every opportunity despite him having no role in British politics.

How to cover rail strikes as if they're history's most unprecedented outrage: A media guide

THIS week’s train strikes are the equivalent of a meteor hitting earth and wiping out humanity, if you’re a TV news reporter. Here’s how to hysterically cover them.

'It's not for girls' and other mental ad slogans that somehow saw the light of day

WERE you an ad executive at some time in the last few decades? If so, you have an awful lot to answer for given these insane slogans.

Are you more embarrassing than Richard Madeley? Take our quiz

RICHARD Madeley has set the bar high for embarrassing behaviour. Find out if you have overtaken him with this quiz.

GB News vs TalkTV: Which reactionary right-wing televisual shite will you prefer?

WOULD you prefer to see Piers Morgan being a gobshite or Nigel Farage being a tosspot? Take our quiz and find out which of these terrible new channels is for you.

Congratulations! You have read your 765th feel-shit article in the Guardian this year

CONGRATULATIONS. You are one of our most regular readers. It’s clear you respect our journalism, free of influence from wealthy proprietors and special interest groups, which makes you feel like crap just reading the headlines alone.

How I am totally immune to advertising, by a man

AS a man I am completely immune to advertising and its crude attempts to get inside my powerful, highly rational brain. Sorry, ad agencies, that’s just how it is. Here are some examples.

Six childhood adverts that really took the piss with the truth

YOUR underdeveloped childhood brain wasn’t great at spotting lies in advertising. Here are some that really took advantage of the fact…