
That Hitler Was German, Say Experts

ADOLF Hitler was one of them Germans, experts claimed last night.

The Time For Talking About How The Time For Talking Is Over Is Over, Says Terry

ENGLAND'S John Terry has said that it is time for the players to step up a gear in their gear-step-upping ahead of their game against Slovenia.

Fischer To Be Exhumed Using The 'Trompowsky Desecration'

THE body of chess genius Bobby Fischer will be exhumed using the classic 'Trompowsky Desecration', it was confirmed last night.

North Korea Celebrates Flawless 8-0 Win

NORTH Koreans were celebrating last night after their team's long-predicted 8-0 thrashing of decadent capitalist Brazil.

Fifa Gives Free Publicity To Unofficial Beer

FIFA was banned from its own World Cup last night after giving millions of pounds worth of publicity to an unofficial product.

Effigy Makers Desperate For Terry Gaffe

MANUFACTURERS of shoddy effigies that are hung outside scary pubs last night said they were desperate for John Terry to make England's next catastrophic error.

Effigy Makers Desperate For Terry Gaffe

MANUFACTURERS of shoddy effigies that are hung outside scary pubs last night said they were desperate for John Terry to make England's next catastrophic error.

The Daily Mash Guide To South Africa 2010

By Tony SopranoSO I was in the Bing the other day with the guys - Paulie, Silv and that fat fuck Bobby. We started talkin' about what team's gonna win this fuckin' World Series Cup they're playing over in South Africa. Anyways, Christopher walks in with a box of Cannoli...

The Daily Mash Guide To South Africa 2010

By Tony SopranoSO I was in the Bing the other day with the guys - Paulie, Silv and that fat fuck Bobby. We started talkin' about what team's gonna win this fuckin' World Series Cup they're playing over in South Africa. Anyways, Christopher walks in with a box of Cannoli...

Loony Lefties Ban England Flag Made With Blood Of Dead Argies

A LOCAL community has been banned from painting an England flag on the side of a building just because they want to use the blood of dead Argentinians for the red bits.