
Little food better than big food

MINIATURE versions of normally larger food items are superior in every way, consumers have confirmed.

How to have a pointlessly pretentious and expensive barbecue

WANT to spunk a load of money up the wall on fancy venison steaks just to char them to inedibility? Follow this guide:

Guests unaware that crisp bowl is also sick bowl

DINNER party guests have been kept unaware the bowl they have been served Kettle Chips from was last week used as a child vomit receptacle.

If you don't want to eat chlorinated chicken, you could always just read the f**king label, say experts

PEOPLE worried about eating chlorinated chicken have been advised to read the label on any chickens that they buy.

Restaurant with own 'kitchen garden' still incredibly expensive

A RESTAURANT growing its own produce in full view of diners is only reminding them vegetables come out of the ground and are basically free.

Woman who 'doesn't mind' which restaurant she goes to is lying

A WOMAN who tells her partner she ‘doesn’t mind’ where they go out for dinner is full of shit, it has been confirmed.

Bag of quinoa in man's cupboard outlasts three girlfriends

A HALF-USED bag of quinoa in a kitchen cupboard has outlasted its owner’s last three relationships, he has realised.

Karma's a bitch, say kids who loved Turkey Twizzlers

A GENERATION who were robbed of deliciously unhealthy school meals by Jamie Oliver have told him that what goes around comes around.

Maniac eats chocolate at bottom of Cornetto first

A MAN always eats the bit of chocolate at the bottom of a Cornetto first instead of saving it until the end like a normal person.

Carrot in f**ked-up relationship with stick

A CARROT has confessed it is locked into a dysfunctional toxic co-dependent relationship with a stick.