
Which fire pit knobhead are you?

THE new cool place to be at a party is at the fire pit, watching the glowing coals and assigning yourself a key role in their upkeep. But what fire pit twat are you?

Vegan will make an exception for Babybel

A VEGAN has confirmed that he confusingly still eats the small, individually-packaged French cheeses Babybel.

Mum puts kids' dinners straight in bin to save time

A MUM has started putting her children’s dinners directly into the bin to save a whole load of fucking time and effort.

Recommended serving sizes told to mind their own f**king business

SO-CALLED serving sizes have been told to go fuck themselves.

Britain demands more meals you don't have to pay for if you eat all of it

THE UK has demanded that all cafes and restaurants should have one menu item which is free if consumed in a single sitting.

Adults upset about drinking straws reminded that they are adults using drinking straws

PEOPLE of 18 and over complaining about paper drinking straws have been reminded they could lift their drinking vessels to their mouths like the grown-ups they are.

Five techniques for fitting that f**k off massive burger in your mouth

HAVE you ordered a burger so huge and loaded with dripping cheese that you have no idea how to physically eat it? Try these tips.

Woman gets fancy Easter egg instead of the bucket of Flakes she wanted

A WOMAN has been let down by her boyfriend’s gift of a small, expensive dark chocolate Easter egg instead of a big cheap one that absolutely does the business.

Sourdough bread just normal bread that's been told about mindfulness

POSH sourdough bread is the same as normal bread but the baker has told it about aspirational lifestyle shit like mindfulness, it has been revealed.

Women more likely to reach orgasm after buying Tupperware

A NEW study has revealed that women are more likely to reach a sexual climax after buying shitloads of plastic tubs.